To get from Casablanca to Agadir , you’ll need to travel a distance of 290 miles (467 Km) .
Casablanca is located in the central-western part of Morocco , while agadir is located in the southwestern part of Morocco .
There are only a few options in case you’re looking to fully enjoy your time to get from Casablanca to Agadir , such as taking the train , flying or by car .
However, if you would like to get deeper into Moroccan culture and get the ability to touch its locals and enjoy the long adventure .
Still , if you only wish to travel from Casablanca to Agadir or from Agadir to Casablanca then the bus can be a great option for those who want to save while traveling in Morocco .
What Is The Cheapest Way To Get From Casablanca To Agadir ?
At their lowest rates , bus tickets from Casablanca to Agadir can be bought online for 25$ .
Prices of the bus tickets from Casablanca to Agadir can go higher , still normally they never go above 30$ .
The buses traveling between Casablanca and Agadir on average will take 6 hours 12 minutes to get from Casablanca to Agadir .
What Is The Fastest Way To Get From Casablanca To Agadir ?
By using the plane to get from one city to another you can travel between Agadir and Casablanca and get there in 1 hour 20 minutes .
Tickets for a one way trip will cost you around 45$ on average .
What Are The Best Ways To Get From Casablanca To Agadir ?
There are lots of ways to travel from Casablanca to Agadir for different purposes :
Best For Time Saving
The best way to get from Casablanca to Agadir in a small time frame is by using the plane .
Taking the plane from Casablanca to Agadir is the fastest way to get from Casablanca to Agadir and is perfect to avoid the travelling problems in Morocco .
Best For Enjoyment
Just like going from Casablanca to Marrakech, the best way to enjoy the trip between Casablanca and Agadir , enjoying the beautiful sights on both the national road and the Highway is hiring a car rental .
If you’re just coming to Casablanca for the first time as a tourist , no worries .
You can get a car rental in Casablanca Airport if you prefer to pick it up in the Airport. In case you’ve already booked your hotel in Casablanca , you can also get your rental car in Casablanca Downtown .
By renting a car in Morocco you get the ability to travel whenever you want and discover more about Moroccan culture .
Best For Budget
You can travel from Casablanca to Agadir , Enjoy the tripp and still save your money .
The best way to travel from Casablanca to Agadir and still save some money is by using public transport and more precisely the Bus .
Using the bus is with no doubt the cheapest way to get from Casablanca to Agadir .
How Many Hours Drive To Get From Casablanca To Agadir By Car ?
The distance between Casablanca and AGdir is 467 km and by averaging a speed of 110 km/h you can go from Casablanca to Agadir in 4 hours 14 minutes .
The speed limit on the highway between Casablanca and Agadir is 120 km /h and the roads are secured and filled with great sights to be seen that can be great for memorial pictures .
When Is The Best Time To Travel To Agadir ?
Anytime between spring and summer will definitely be a great time to take a trip to Agadir .
The Weather is great throughout the summer , Agadir tends to be particularly busy in August and September when the majority of Moroccan people take the holiday .
There are great places to visit in Agadir , whether you’re on your own or with your family and friends .
Can I Use Public Transport To Travel From Casablanca Airport To Agadir ?
Long version short , yes . You can use public transport such as Taxis to get from Casablanca To Agadir .
However , the prices of getting from Casablanca Airport to Agadir by a private taxi can be very costy and expensive .
The travel from Casablanca Airport to Agadir can cost you around 165$ , however it’s important to negotiate the budget .
What To Do In Agadir ?
There are great things to be done in the city of Agadir , such as :
Going For A Swim
The city of Agadir is known to have some of the best beaches in the kingdom of Morocco and also in Africa , what makes the beaches very special is that their temperature is never too cold or too warm , it’s always near the temperature of the air which makes swimming just perfect.
Make sure to enjoy them while you’re there .
Visit Crocoparc
Crocoparc is a zoo that is located 5 km outside of the city of Agadir .
What makes crocoparc special is that it’s specialized in Crocodiles , by visiting it you’ll be able to observe various types of crocodiles and get to know the behaviour better .
Take Pictures In Paradise Valley
Paradise valley is a lake in Agadir that is known to attract tourists that want to relax and enjoy some stunt jumps .
This area is perfect for people who want to take pictures to share them in Social media and impress their friends and family members .